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Complete Self Controlled Form : Full Validations and Features with $_POST[] Method

According to new research, many hackers are working together to hack many sites. Now everyone is familiar with PHP, xHTML, CSS working and they can hack your form by
  • Save page as
  • Code checking
  • Firebug tool
  • Ctrl+U
So you need to make your contact form secure to safe your information..
I made this form to make your site more secure.
This form consists on some parts:
  1. Validate Function
  2. Values Validating
  3. Characters Limit Error Message
  4. Left Field Error Message
  5. Auto Selected fields after redirection
  6. CSS
  7. Form Fields
  8. Form Results
  9. Form Error Message
This form is divided into parts, anyone can easily understand it.
In this form : characters limit is
 'name' => 20, 'number' => 16, 'email' => 35,'subject' => 50, 'message' => 350, 'website' => 50

You can change it according to yourself.

           #   Form Validation Function Start    #  
      function form_validation($input)  
           $input = trim($input);  
           $input = htmlspecialchars($input);  
           $input = stripcslashes($input);  
           return $input;  
   function validate_number($input_number)
   $input_number = preg_match ("/^[0-9]*$/", $input_number);
   $input_number = trim($input_number);  
            $input_number = htmlspecialchars($input_number);  
            $input_number = stripcslashes($input_number);
   return $input_number;
   function validate_name($input_name)
   $input_name = preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z ]*$/", $input_name);
   $input_name = trim($input_name);  
            $input_name = htmlspecialchars($input_name);  
            $input_name = stripcslashes($input_name);
   return $input_name;
   function validate_email($input_email)
   $input_email = preg_match("/([\w\-]+\@[\w\-]+\.[\w\-]+)/", $input_email);
   $input_email = trim($input_email);  
            $input_email = htmlspecialchars($input_email);  
            $input_email = stripcslashes($input_email);
   return $input_email;
   function validate_web($input_web)
   $input_web = preg_match("/\b(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/|www\.)[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|]/i", $input_web);
   $input_web = trim($input_web);  
            $input_web = htmlspecialchars($input_web);  
            $input_web = stripcslashes($input_web);
   return $input_web;
           #   Form Validation Function end     #  
           #   Getting All Values and Validating them Start   #  
                $error_msg = ""; //this variable for error massage  
    $departments = array(); //this array for saving department
                $name = $number = $email = $birth = $gender = $subject = $website = $select = $message = $color = ''; // we show all variables empty  
           #   Submit Button Processing with secure validation Start     #  
                     $fields = array('name', 'number', 'email', 'birth', 'gender', 'departments', 'select', 'website', 'subject', 'message', 'color'); // all values field array  
      $errors = array(); //this array for saving errors 
                     foreach ($fields as $field) //this is for getting values  
                          if(!isset($_POST[$field]) || $_POST[$field] == '' && $field != 'color') //if field value is empty or has nothing  
                               array_push($errors, $field); //then selective field array value will be saved in error array.  
                          else //if submit button has run, then it else will run  
                               if($field != 'departments') //but if value is other than department field  
                                    $$field = form_validation($_POST[$field]); //It will go through user define function and value will be made variables  
                               elseif($field == 'departments') //but if value is about department then  
                                    $departments = array(); //we define an array to save department values  
                                    $test_dept = $_POST[$field]; //we get department here  
                                    foreach($test_dept as $dept ) //we used departments parameter to save that on dept  
                                         array_push($departments, form_validation($dept)); //department will be fully validate and saved to department array  
        if($field == 'select' && $_POST[$field] == 'Navigation')
         !array_push($errors, form_validation($field));
                     } //this is foreach loop end  
                #   Getting All Values and Validating them end   #  
                # If No Error than Check characters Limit and show exceed Massage Start   #  
                          //As we have saved error values in errors array  
                     if(empty($errors) || !empty($errors))  
                          //we define a assosiative array to define characters limit  
                          $fields = array('name' => 20, 'number' => 16, 'email' => 35,'subject' => 50, 'message' => 350, 'website' => 50);   
                          //For checking lenght we need to add a loop  
                          foreach($fields as $field => $length) //foreach loop is used for arrays : $field => $length we used for assosiative array  
                          ## in this $field => $length : $length variable as assigned to values  
                               if (strlen($_POST[$field]) > $length)  
                                    array_push($errors, $field . ' field characters limit has exceeded.'); //we shall use $field variable here,   
                                    # Because we are not using $fields, we are using $field as referance.   
          if($field == 'number' && !validate_number(($_POST[$field]))) //it is to validate number field.
           array_push($errors, $field . " is not proper number."); //if there is an error in number field , error would be push on error array
          if($field == 'name' && !validate_name(($_POST[$field]))) //it is to validate number field.
           array_push($errors, $field . " is not proper name."); //if there is an error in number field , error would be push on error array
          if($field == 'email' && !validate_email(($_POST[$field])) && !empty($_POST[$field])) //it is to validate number field.
           array_push($errors, $field . " is not proper email."); //if there is an error in number field , error would be push on error array
          if($field == 'website' && !validate_web(($_POST[$field])) && !empty($_POST[$field])) //it is to validate number field.
           array_push($errors, $field . " is not proper website link."); //if there is an error in number field , error would be push on error array
                     } //it is if emtpy end  
                # If No Error than Check characters Limit and show exceed Massage End    #  
                # If Error than then show the errors fields start   #  
                          $error_msg = '<b>There are errors in following fields:</b> <br />';  
                          $error_msg .= implode('<br />', $errors);   
                     } //it is if not empty end  
                # If Error than then show the errors fields end         #  
                } //if isset POST['submit'] end  
           #   Submit Button Processing with secure validation End       #  
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">  
 <html xmlns="" lang="us-en">  
 <title><?php $pagetitle="Self Controlled Form : Full Contact Form Feachers : Samee Ullah Feroz";
     echo $pagetitle ." : ". blogname; ?></title>
               <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $pagetitle ?> : Buy it." />
               <link rel="icon" type="image/ico" href="" alt="Icon" />

      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />  
        background:url( center center no-repeat;
 You can also give local file path

  font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace;
  color: #0000FF;
  overflow: auto;
  padding: 10px;
  width: 100%;
  list-style:square url("images/sqpurple.gif");
   font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace;  

 <body style="background-color:<?php echo $color?>; ">  
           <div id="main">
           <h1 align="center">Secure Self Controlled Contact Form.</h1> 
           <li>Secure from Hackers</li>
           <li>Fast Processing</li>
           <li>Single File Contact Form</li>
           <li>Show Error on characters limit exceeded</li>
           <li>Show Error on Wrong Name</li>
           <li>Show Error on Wrong Email</li>
           <li>Show Error on Wrong Website</li>
           <li>Show Error on Wrong number</li>
           <li>Numbers only digits not doubles</li>
           <li>Cannot select future date of birth</li>
           <li>Can select background custom color</li>
           <li>Can select required Department</li>
           <li>Can select required Agent</li>
           <li>HTML, Javascript etc. Don't work</li>
           <li>After getting errors, form will not reset</li>
           <blockquote>This form is coded to keep away your site from <b>Hackers</b>.</blockquote>
           <hp>You can purchase this form in 5$ just.</hp> 
           <b>Samee is Online On</b><br />
           <b>Company Site : </b><a href="" target="_blank">Getacho Company</a><br />
           <b>Facebook : </b><a href="" target="_blank">Samee Ullah Feroz</a><br />
           <b>Gtalk :</b> <a href="" target="_blank">SEO.Getacho</a><br />
           <b>Skype : </b><a href="skype:SEO.Getacho?call">SEO.Getacho</a><br />
           <div id="table_bg">
               <table style="background-color:<?php echo $color?>; width: 100%;" align="center" >  
               <form action="self_controlled_form.php" method="post" >  
                    <tr><td><label for="name"><strong>Full Name:</strong></label></td>  
                    <td><input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Full Name" style="width:250px;" value="<?php echo $name;?>" /></td></tr>  
                    <tr><td><label for="number"><strong>Personal Number:</strong></label></td>  
                    <td><input type="text" name="number" placeholder="00923234223945" style="width:250px;" value="<?php echo $number;?>"/></td></tr>  
                    <tr><td><label for="email"><strong>Email:</strong></label></td>  
                    <td><input type="text" name="email" placeholder="i.e." style="width:250px;" value="<?php echo $email;?>"/></td></tr> 
                    <tr><td><label for="website"><strong>Website:</strong></label></td>                   
                    <td><input type="text" name="website" placeholder="i.e." style="width:250px;" value="<?php echo $website;?>"/></td></tr                
                    ><tr><td><label for="gender"><strong>Your Gender:</strong></label></td>  
                    <td><input type="radio" name="gender" value="Male"   
                    <?php if($gender == 'Male' && !empty($gender))echo 'checked';?>/>Male  
                    <input type="radio" name="gender" value="Female"   
                    <?php if($gender == 'Female' && !empty($gender))echo 'checked';?>/>Female</td></tr>
                    <tr><td><label for="birth"><strong>Your DOB:</strong></label></td>                  
                    <td><input type="date" name="birth" value="<?php echo $birth;?>" max="<?php echo date();?>" min="1991-01-01" /></td></tr>  
                    <tr><td><label for="departments[]"><strong>Contact Departments:</strong></label></td>  
                    <td><input type="checkbox" name="departments[]" value="Marketing Department"   
                    <?php if(in_array('Marketing Department', $departments)&& !empty($departments))echo 'checked';?>/>Marketing Department <br /> 
                    <input type="checkbox" name="departments[]" value="Development Department"   
                    <?php if(in_array('Development Department',$departments)&& !empty($departments))echo 'checked';?>/>Development Department <br /> 
                   <input type="checkbox" name="departments[]" value="Finance Department"   
                    <?php if(in_array('Finance Department', $departments) && !empty($departments))echo 'checked';?>/>Finance Department </td></tr>  
             <tr><td><label for="select"><strong>Contact Agent:</strong></label></td>  
                    <td><select name="select">
                        <option value="Navigation">Navigation</option>
                           <option value="Online Agent" <?php if($select == 'Online Agent' && !empty($select))echo 'selected'; ?> >Online Agent</option>  
                           <option value="SEO, SMO Agent" <?php if($select == 'SEO, SMO Agent' && !empty($select))echo 'selected'; ?> >SEO, SMO Agent</option>  
                           <option value="SEM, SMM Agent" <?php if($select == 'SEM, SMM Agent' && !empty($select))echo 'selected'; ?> >SEM, SMM Agent</option>  
                           <option value="Development Agent" <?php if($select == 'Development Agent' && !empty($select))echo 'selected'; ?> >Development Agent</option>  
                           <option value="Consultancy Agent" <?php if($select == 'Consultancy Agent' && !empty($select))echo 'selected'; ?> >Consultancy Agent</option>  
                           <option value="HR Agent" <?php if($select == 'HR Agent' && !empty($select))echo 'selected'; ?> >HR Agent</option>  
                    <tr><td><label for="subject"><strong>Subject:</strong></label></td>  
                    <td><input type="text" name="subject" placeholder="Type Subject" style="width:250px;" value="<?php echo $subject;?>"/></td></tr>  
                    <tr><td valign="top" align="left"><label for="message"><strong>Your Message:</strong></label></td>  
                    <td><textarea cols="40" rows="10" name="message" placeholder="Write your message"><?php echo $message;?></textarea></td></td>  
                    <tr><td valign="top" align="right"><input type="submit" value="Send" name="submit" /></td>  
                    <td>Choose the color :<input type="color" name="color" value="<?php echo $color; ?>" />
                    <br />This Feature Works on Chrome.
                    <br />Developed by <a href="">Samee Ullah Feroz</a><br /> Powered by : <a href="">QWC.Me</a></td></tr>  
             <div class="sidemsg" style="background-color:<?php echo $color?>; ">  
            <h2>Results Here</h2>
                   echo $name . "<br />";  
                   echo $number . "<br />";  
                   echo $email . "<br />";
       echo $website . "<br />";  
                   echo $gender . "<br />";
                   echo $birth . "<br />";  
                   if (!empty($departments))
                       echo implode("<br />", $departments) . "<br />";
                   echo $select . "<br />";  
                   echo $subject . "<br />";            
                   echo $message . "<br />";  
                   echo $error_msg . "<br />";

Form is complete with full security and limitations.

Instructions : This code is in-complete if you need this form, contact Samee Ullah Feroz

Demo : 
Ask For Installation
On Facebook
Gtalk :
Skype : SEO.Getacho

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